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Orlando Car Accident Lawyers

Don’t let a powerful insurance company get away with paying you less than you deserve after you’ve been in a car accident. Our award-winning car accident lawyers in Orlando have been protecting injured individuals and grieving families for since 1979, and we know how to make stubborn insurance companies pay fair and just compensation. Call us now at (407) 329-5054 for a free consultation.

We'll Fight For You After an Orlando Car Accident

With more than 45 years of experience, our nationally recognized Orlando car accident attorneys are experienced trial lawyers with the financial resources to go against large insurance companies and win. Most insurance companies would rather pay our clients a fair and reasonable settlement than risk going against us in court.

You get more than a single dynamic attorney when you hire our Orlando personal injury law office. You get a team of award-winning car accident attorneys who combine their skills and resources to get the best results possible while providing personalized attention and treating you like family.

We serve all of Orlando, Orange County, Seminole County, and the surrounding areas, including Clermont, Davenport, Kissimmee, Sanford, St. Cloud, and more. There is no need to travel to our Orlando office when you’ve been injured because our attorneys will meet you at the hospital, your home, or anywhere convenient for you. 

How much a car crash claim is worth depends on the injuries that were sustained, first and foremost. It also depends on what insurance coverage is available to the person that caused the crash and how egregious the negligence was on behalf of the defendant.

- Khalil Farah

Our Orlando Client Testimonials Showcase How Much We Care About Every Client

We are a client-centric law firm, which means we put clients first and treat every client with honesty, dignity, and respect. Our open-door policy means our clients can reach us 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Below are a few examples of the unsolicited client testimonials our Orlando car accident lawyers frequently receive:

My experience with Farah & Farah has been nothing short of PHENOMENAL!!! I especially cannot thank Denisse enough for the way she handled my car accident case!! From the beginning to the end of the process, Denisse really took care of me and made me feel comfortable every step of the way while giving me all my options with pros/cons for each one. Farah & Farah was able to get me the MAXIMUM possible settlement offer, and I am forever thankful!! So glad I trusted Farah & Farah and Denisse! — Mo B.

I would recommend Farah & Farah to anyone. Best law office I’ve ever been involved with. My attorney, Christopher Baker, handled an auto injury for me. He explained everything in detail to me. He and Alexa Compean-Garcia always kept me updated on my case and made sure I didn’t have any questions or issues. They are the most respectful and professional people I have crossed paths with and not to mention they helped me to receive a positive outcome in my case. I will most definitely use them again if needed. — Sonya B.

Raven Diogiovanni took over my family’s case almost a year after our car accident… She was amazing! She understood our family concerns and expedited the whole process for us. [She] kept in contact constantly, making sure everyone in our family was okay and answering any questions we had. She informed us of the whole process and notified us of changes or updates via all communication (phone, email, text). — Michelle M.

I was referred to Farah & Farah after getting in a car accident that was not my fault. I was assigned to Rick Favors and Emily Ward, and they were stellar and super available throughout the entire experience. Rick stepped in once I started having issues with the insurance company on my property damage claim, and I have been forever grateful. Geico went swiftly from dragging their feet to cutting a check for the full value of my vehicle. Not to mention, he was awesome with my bodily injury claim. I can’t recommend Farah & Farah (and Rick Favors!) enough. — Cole T.

Orlando car accident lawyers next to a 5-star review for excellent service

What Do I Have to Prove to Win My Car Accident Case?

Negligence is the primary cause of action in most Orlando car accident cases.

When you file a claim based on negligence, you will have the burden of proving:

  • The defendant owed you a duty of care, such as to obey local traffic laws.
  • The defendant breached this duty of care, such as by speeding or making an illegal turn.
  • The defendant’s actions were the actual and proximate cause of your car accident, meaning you wouldn’t have been hit if the defendant wasn’t negligent.
  • You have sustained damages as a result, such as medical bills, lost wages, physical pain, and emotional distress.

In Florida, civil car accident claims must be proven by a preponderance of the evidence, meaning that you must establish that your side of the story is more likely true than not.

How Our Orlando Car Accident Lawyers Can Help You Maximize Your Recovery

Maximizing your recovery starts with a thorough case investigation. This ensures we identify all liable parties and refute any fault incorrectly assigned to you. It requires lawyers willing to do the hard work to gather and review evidence thoroughly. It also requires an ability to explain it in plain language to win a jury.

Attorney Thai Phi H. Vo is a renowned legal writer and researcher whose discipline and analytical skills ensure he never misses even the smallest detail. He is gifted at explaining complex legal topics in layperson’s terms. It is no surprise that he consistently wins maximized results for our clients.

Orlando car accident attorney Alec Weber has also built a reputation for always working hard to maximize the compensation our clients receive. He gives everything he has to every case, and his strong emphasis on client relationships fuels his passion. His results for our clients have been impressive.

It isn’t uncommon for an insurance company to offer an early lowball settlement. We could take the easy way out and accept this offer, but it wouldn’t be in your best interests. We will stand with you and fight for as long as it takes to win you enough to fully compensate you for your injuries and hardships. This is how we maximize your compensation.

Our Orlando Car Accident Settlements

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Our skilled car accident lawyers in Orlando consistently obtain outstanding results for our clients because we believe that caring, understanding, and hard work are how you win. Our car accident case results prove that our approach works:

  • $2.5 million verdict for a young woman who sustained serious neck injuries in a car accident.
  • $2.4 million verdict for a car accident survivor whose injuries prevented a return to work.
  • $1.2 million for the family of a pickup truck passenger killed when the pickup rolled over and he was thrown from the vehicle.
  • $1.1 million for a client who suffered disabling neck and back injuries after a careless driver failed to yield at an intersection.
  • $700,000 for a pregnant client struck by a careless driver, resulting in complications involving the baby.
  • $650,000 for a client injured in a rear-end collision at a traffic light.
  • $496,000 for a client who suffered severe abdominal bruising and multiple leg fractures that required surgery.
  • $300,000 for a client who required back surgery and pain management after a low-impact rear-end collision.

We’ve helped our clients recover over $2 billion in settlements and verdicts. Now, we’re here to fight for you, too.

Understanding Liability for Orlando Car Accidents

Establishing liability is essential after a car accident. Our skilled Orlando car accident attorneys can perform a thorough forensic analysis of your accident. Once we know all the contributing factors in your accident, we can accurately determine who is really to blame and how much your case is worth.

Who Could Be Liable for My Car Accident?

While careless drivers cause most accidents, our dedicated car accident lawyers in Orlando often identify unseen factors contributing to accidents.

Such factors mean the driver may not be the only party liable for your accident. Identifying additional parties is important because many nondriver parties carry larger insurance policies, which increases the compensation you can recover.

Among the most common responsible third parties in car accidents are manufacturers of defective automotive parts, especially brakes, airbags, and tires. Product manufacturers could be liable even if they weren’t careless or negligent. It is only necessary to prove one of the following:

  • The part was defective.
  • The part had a dangerous design.
  • The part lacked adequate warnings or instructions.

Sometimes, we find the city of Orlando or another government agency liable, such as when a hazardous road condition caused or contributed to your accident. You may also have a claim against the city if your accident involved a LYNX bus or other city-owned vehicle. You must notify the city of Orlando’s risk management department of your intention to sue before you file a lawsuit.

If the at-fault driver is not the vehicle’s owner, you can usually hold the owner liable. This is true whether the owner is someone who loaned the vehicle to the careless driver, an employer, or a fleet owner, such as a trucking company.

Other potentially liable parties include negligent mechanics, negligent road construction companies, or the owners of establishments that served excessive alcohol to drunk drivers. Our devoted Orlando car accident attorneys will ensure every liable party pays the compensation it owes.

Does It Affect My Compensation if I’m Found Partly at Fault for the Accident?

If you are assigned any degree of fault in the accident, it will affect your compensation. Florida’s modified comparative negligence law reduces your compensation in proportion to your share of the fault. You are not entitled to recover compensation if you are more than 50 percent at fault for the accident.

This gives the insurance company a vested interest in blaming you for the accident. For this reason, you should never accept an assignment of fault by the insurance company. In fact, you should only accept a finding of fault as determined by an experienced Orlando car accident attorney who is on your side.

You can even refute law enforcement’s fault findings. Our forensic accident investigation is more thorough, and we often find evidence not discovered during the police investigation. If you’ve been found at fault for an accident, even more than 50 percent, we may still be able to help. Call us today at (407) 329-5054 for a free case evaluation.

What Types of Damages Can I Get in a Orlando Car Accident Lawsuit?

Recoverable damages after a car accident may include economic, non-economic, and punitive damages. Punitive damages are only available in limited cases when you have clear and convincing evidence of intentional misconduct or gross negligence. Drunk or aggressive driving cases often qualify for punitive damages.

Non-economic damages are also known as pain and suffering damages. They compensate you for losses like emotional distress, physical pain, disability, loss of enjoyment of life, and other subjective losses not easily measured in dollars.

Economic damages are compensation for lost wages, lost future earning capacity, current and future medical bills, and other documented monetary losses.

If you are the grieving family of someone who passed away due to a car accident, our Florida wrongful death attorneys in Orlando can help you recover damages for:

  • Funeral and burial expenses.
  • The income your family member could have earned had they lived.
  • Your loved one’s pain and suffering from the accident until death.
  • Lost inheritance.
  • Your loved one’s medical bills.
  • Your family’s emotional losses, such as loss of companionship and guidance.

Under a new law that took effect in 2023, you can be required to disclose how much your insurance paid for your medical bills. This could reduce your compensation if your attorney cannot present a compelling case for why you deserve the full amount. We will fight for you to recover your full case value. Contact us today for a free consultation.

We Have Over Four Decades of Experience Handling All Types of Car Accident Cases in Florida

Our car accident attorneys have been handling every type of car accident case in Orlando and the surrounding areas for over 40 years, and we have seen it all.

Unfortunately, car accidents in Orlando are common. In 2022 alone, 20,723 people were injured in car accidents in Orange County. The city of Orlando’s Vision Zero plan has found that approximately 94 percent of car crashes are caused by human behavior, noting the following observations:

  • Distracted driving is increasing.
  • Drivers drive too fast for the conditions.
  • Aggressive driving is increasing.
  • Many people don’t know or understand traffic laws.

In addition, hundreds of people are injured or killed in drunk driving crashes every year. In 2022, 281 Orange County drunk drivers caused accidents that resulted in 193 injuries and 47 deaths.

Whether your accident was caused by one of these bad driving habits, speeding, or any other act of carelessness, our Orlando car accident lawyers will be there for you when you need us.

Low-Impact Crashes

Low-impact crashes are collisions that occur at lower speeds. While these types of collisions often result in less damage and less serious injuries, their impact can still be devastating. We have seen significant injuries such as whiplash and painful back and spine injuries due to low-impact crashes.

Whether your injury claim will yield thousands of dollars in compensation or millions, you can count on our Orlando car accident lawyers to treat your case with the same dedication, hard work, skill, and personalized attention. Don’t underestimate the short- and long-term effects of a low-impact crash.

Catastrophic Injury Crashes

Catastrophic injuries are those resulting in significant lifelong disabilities, such as severe traumatic brain injuries, burn injuries that cover large portions of your face or body, spinal cord injuries that result in paralysis, and injuries that result in amputation. These injuries often occur due to the following types of car accidents:

  • Rollovers
  • Head-on collisions
  • High-speed rear-endings
  • T-bone accidents

Fatal Car Accidents

Tragically, 210 people lost their lives in car accidents in Orange County in 2022. If you’re grieving the loss of a beloved family member who died in a car accident, our Florida fatal car accident lawyers in Orlando can help your family pursue financial compensation and hold the careless driver accountable through a wrongful death lawsuit. You don’t have to go through this alone. Call us now at (407) 329-5054.

Uninsured Driver Accidents

The risk of being in an accident with an uninsured driver in Orlando is high because of the high number of uninsured drivers in the area. According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FSHMV), Orange County currently has an uninsured motorist rate of 7.08%, and Seminole County currently has a rate of 5.28%.

If this has happened to you, don’t give up. Instead, contact us immediately. Our resourceful Orlando car accident lawyers can often find other ways for you to receive significant financial damages.

We start with your no-fault insurance, and if your injuries are severe, we can file a lawsuit against the uninsured driver and an insurance claim against your uninsured motorist policy. We will also investigate whether anyone else contributed to your accident and whether you have additional insurance policies.

Hit-and-Run Crashes

Approximately 25 percent of all car accidents in Orlando are hit-and-run accidents. In 2022, 6,545 hit-and-run collisions occurred in our county, resulting in 18 deaths and 2,062 injuries. Our Florida hit-and-run car accident lawyers in Orlando handle these cases similarly to uninsured driver accident cases, except that we will also cooperate with law enforcement to identify the hit-and-run driver.

Rideshare Accidents

The most popular rideshare services in Orlando are Uber and Lyft. While most rideshare rides end safely, rideshare drivers are just as vulnerable to being in a car accident as any other driver, and some can be careless. Determining which insurance pays after a rideshare accident is less straightforward than in other accidents because this can vary based on the driver’s status during the accident.

Whether you were in a car hit by a rideshare vehicle, a rideshare driver hit by another car while on duty, or a passenger in a rideshare car accident, our experienced Florida Uber and Lyft accident attorneys in Orlando can wade through the red tape to get you the compensation you deserve.

Pedestrian Accidents

If you’re a pedestrian hit by a car in Orlando, you’re not alone. According to FSHMV data, a shocking 664 pedestrians were hit by cars in Orange County in 2022, and 57 died. These accidents are often the result of speeding, failure to yield, and failure to check for pedestrians before making a right or left turn.

Bicycle Accidents

Being hit by a car while riding a bicycle is less common and less deadly than pedestrian collisions, but bicyclists are still vulnerable to serious injuries and death when struck by a car. In 2022, 444 Orange County bicyclists were struck by cars, and 13 died, according to data from the FSHMV.

Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle riders are vulnerable roadway users who are at risk of experiencing serious harm when involved in a collision with a car. In Orange County alone, the FSHMV reported 457 motorcycle crashes in 2022, resulting in 34 fatalities. These accidents often happen when drivers fail to look for motorcycles, especially when turning left.

How Does Insurance Work After a Car Accident in Orlando?

Florida is a no-fault state that requires all drivers to carry personal injury protection, or PIP, also known as no-fault insurance, with at least $10,000 in coverage. Drivers also must carry Property Damage Liability. Bodily injury liability is optional for most drivers.

In the event of an accident, you must file a claim against your own PIP policy, even if you were not at fault for the accident. Your no-fault insurance will cover some of your lost wages and medical bills up to your coverage limit. You can also file a claim against the other driver’s property damage liability for damage to your car.

If your no-fault insurance falls short of covering all of your damages, you may be able to file a claim against the other driver’s bodily injury insurance. To bring a lawsuit, you must suffer injuries meeting Florida’s criteria for severe, and the at-fault driver must have purchased this coverage. Florida law defines the following injuries as severe:

  • Loss of an important bodily function that is both permanent and significant.
  • Other injuries expected to be permanent.
  • Significant, permanent scarring or disfigurement.
  • Death.

Since bodily injury liability insurance is not required, it is possible to be hit by an at-fault driver who is legally insured but does not have coverage for your injuries. In this case, you can file a claim under your uninsured motorist coverage if your injuries are severe.

If the driver had bodily injury liability insurance, but the coverage doesn’t cover all your damages, you can file a claim against your underinsured motorist coverage if you purchased it.

Sometimes, motor vehicle insurance is insufficient to cover all your damages. However, this won’t stop our thorough and determined Orlando car accident lawyers from finding other coverage for your injuries. We will look for other parties who share liability for your injuries, an umbrella policy you didn’t know you had, disability insurance policies you own, and other sources.

What If I Received a Traffic Ticket for Causing the Accident?

A traffic citation is an allegation by a police officer. It isn’t proof of fault, and if your claim goes to trial, it cannot be used as evidence of fault in court. Law enforcement officers draw conclusions based on what they can easily see at the scene. Even if they do a forensic investigation, it is far less thorough than ours. When we investigate an accident, we go the extra mile to understand what happened. You can count on us to do the following and more:

  • Perform a forensic investigation with the assistance of our skilled accident reconstructionists.
  • Download the black box data for both vehicles.
  • Locate and review video surveillance and photographic evidence that may have captured your accident.
  • Identify safety recalls and defective parts in both vehicles involved in the accident with the help of leading forensic mechanics who work for us.
  • Interview eyewitnesses, passengers, family members, and anyone else with information about the accident.
  • Determine whether the other driver was drunk, distracted, drowsy, or otherwise impaired.

In rare instances, we have even purchased wrecked vehicles so we could continue our investigation without concern that the vehicle could be destroyed or tampered with.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire an Orlando Car Accident Attorney?

We are committed to ensuring everyone’s access to quality legal services regardless of financial limitations. Thus, there is no up-front cost to hire one of our experienced car accident attorneys in Orlando. We collect our fees after we win and collect compensation for you. If we don’t win, you don’t pay.

What Are the Most Common Types of Car Accident Injuries?

Car accidents can cause trauma throughout the body. Some of the most commonly reported car accident injuries include:

  • Broken bones
  • Burns
  • Lost limbs
  • Concussion
  • Whiplash
  • Back injury
  • Neck injury
  • Nerve damage
  • Paralysis
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Spinal cord injury

How Long Do I Have to File a Florida Car Accident Lawsuit?

Crash victims in Florida generally have two years to file a car accident lawsuit. However, you shouldn’t wait to contact a reputable Orlando car accident lawyer. Investigating and preparing a car accident claim to yield maximum compensation requires extensive time and must be completed before your case is filed.

Your right to pursue damages is forever lost if your case is not filed before the statute of limitations expires.

Our Attorneys’ Experience Makes All the Difference for Our Clients

Our Orlando car accident attorneys come from diverse backgrounds, providing them with important insight and experience that helps maximize your case results.

Attorney Christopher Curry spent nearly 20 years defending large insurance companies before he came to Farah & Farah, and he knows every trick in their arsenal. Senior Partner Chuck Farah has referred to Mr. Curry as a powerhouse and everything you want in an attorney. He has a solid track record of winning significant settlements and verdicts for our injured clients.

Shakila Aviles Rodriguez is a seasoned bilingual Orlando personal injury lawyer with experience across multiple practice areas and a background in industrial engineering. Thus, she has developed significant analytical skills and attention to detail, which makes her an outstanding attorney who won’t miss a thing when finding holes in the insurance company’s case.

These are just a few examples of our remarkable car accident attorneys in Orlando. Call us now at (407) 329-5054 if you’ve been injured in a car accident.

Call Our Award-Winning Orlando Car Accident Lawyers for Help Today

If you or a loved one was injured in a car accident or truck accident in Orlando, you shouldn’t have to fight a legal battle alone while trying to recover. We will be there for you when you need us most. Call our supportive and skilled Orlando car accident lawyers today at (407) 329-5054 for a free consultation.


You & Your Family Since 1979

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