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Florida Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Motorcycle riders and passengers don’t have the same physical protection offered by other motor vehicles, and accidents can result in severe injuries and fatalities. If you or a loved one has suffered an injury in an accident, a Florida motorcycle lawyer from Farah & Farah will fight to prove the other party was negligent and pursue the maximum compensation for your damages.

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Motorcycle accidents can cause life-altering injuries and lifelong expenses. At Farah & Farah, our motorcycle accident lawyers know that negligent drivers will attempt to claim you were at fault or that poorly maintained roads can cause a motorcycle accident. Thankfully, pursuing a motorcycle accident claim or lawsuit can assist in getting your life back on track.

Our attorneys have helped motorcyclists in Florida with their personal injury claims for nearly 40 years. Call us at (877) 245-6707 for a free consultation.

Why Should You Hire a Florida Motorcycle Accident Attorney? 

The unfortunate truth is that you are often at a disadvantage when dealing with an insurance company or large corporation. These organizations have deep pockets, seasoned adjusters, and attorneys actively working to protect their bottom lines. Insurance companies will often work to devalue your claim and avoid liability.

Motorcycle accidents can also be highly complex, and liability for the accident may fall on multiple parties. While drivers are often the negligent party, liability can also fall on vehicle manufacturers, municipalities, and even companies responsible for road maintenance.

With Farah & Farah’s experienced attorneys on your side, you won’t have to fight alone. Our attorneys understand the intricacies of motorcycle accident claims as well as the manipulative tactics employed by corporations. We’ll examine your case’s circumstances and pursue maximum compensation for your injuries so you and your family can focus on healing, not haggling.

Motorcycle rider with palm trees

Why Choose Farah & Farah’s Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in Florida

At Farah & Farah, we understand the financial and emotional stress facing motorcyclists and their families after accidents. We are committed to helping those who need it most, so we take our Florida motorcycle accident cases on a contingency basis, meaning you pay no out-of-pocket expenses unless we win. When a motorcycle accident shatters your world, you deserve a trusted partner who walks alongside you, easing your burdens and fighting for your every right. That’s exactly what you’ll find at Farah & Farah.

Rooted in Florida since 1979, we’re not just a law firm, we’re a family. Our community involvement runs deep, as we believe we have a moral obligation to support the places where our clients and neighbors live. We exercise this obligation through endeavors such as our Keeping Kids Safe program where we hold events throughout the year to help reinforce helmet safety for children. Our dedication to Florida communities extends into our practice, where every case receives personalized attention and genuine care.

We understand that winning your case goes beyond courtroom victories. It’s about alleviating your stress, providing unwavering support, and helping you get back on your feet. Let Farah & Farah be your fierce advocates, treating you with the respect and compassion you deserve.

How Our Attorneys Fight For You

Our Farah & Farah lawyers understand that you need support and a chance at financial relief following your motorcycle accident. Our attorneys can do the following for you:

  • Investigate your accident and gather evidence to build a strong claim.
  • Determine the cause of your accident and identify all responsible parties.
  • Find a doctor to provide quality treatment and document your injuries
  • Complete and file all paperwork with insurance companies and the courts.
  • Recover the pre-accident value of your motorcycle.
  • Negotiate with medical providers to reduce your medical bills
  • Evaluate your damages properly.
  • Arrange a rental vehicle for work if needed.
  • Deal with insurance companies and negotiate a settlement that compensates for your losses.
  • Litigate your case and represent you in all court proceedings.

A Farah & Farah motorcycle accident attorney has the legal knowledge and skills needed to build a strong case on your behalf. Let us get to work for you.

Results Won for Our Clients 

We hear you, we fight for you, we win. Farah & Farah clients praise our open communication and meticulous approach. Over $2 billion recovered in compensation is a testament to our success, but it’s the trust we build that makes the difference. Our notable motorcycle accident settlements and verdicts include:

  • $5 million in a motorcycle accident wrongful death case.
  • $1 million for a motorcycle passenger injured in a truck crash.
  • $250,000 for a motorcyclist injured when an at-fault driver pulled out in front.

Some of our Farah & Farah attorneys once represented insurance companies, so we understand their tactics which helps us stay one step ahead of the opposition. Call us today at (877) 245-6707 for a free case evaluation.

Proving Your Motorcycle Accident Case in Florida 

To recover compensation, you must prove that someone else’s negligence or recklessness caused your motorcycle accident and injuries.

Elements of Negligence in Florida Motorcycle Accidents 

To show that you deserve compensation for your motorcycle accident, your attorney must prove the following four elements of negligence:

  1. The driver owed you a duty to drive reasonably.
  2. The driver breached that duty.
  3. That breach caused your injuries.
  4. You have damages resulting from those injuries.

Some of the actions that typically show negligence include speeding, distracted driving, driving while impaired, failure to follow traffic laws, and driving an unsafe vehicle. There may be more than one issue at play. For example, a driver on the phone may fail to adjust for blind spots and also not realize they are speeding.

Proving reckless or negligent behavior isn’t about finger-pointing, it’s about building a clear and compelling case. That’s where the experienced attorneys at Farah & Farah step in. We’ll gather witness statements, accident reports, and even forensic analysis to help paint a picture of what truly happened and strengthen your motorcycle accident case.

Comparative Negligence in Florida 

Your attorney’s job isn’t done when they show that the other party was at fault. Florida follows a modified comparative negligence standard in personal injury cases. That means you cannot collect compensation if you were more than 50 percent responsible for your accident. You can only collect compensation if you were 50 percent or less at fault. However, your compensation will be reduced in proportion to your share of the fault.

For example, if you had $100,000 in damages from your accident and you were 30 percent at fault, you can collect $70,000.

Comparative negligence opens the door for the other party’s insurance company to claim the accident was your fault to avoid paying damages. Never agree to meet with an insurance company or the other party without your attorney present. They may try to trick you into claiming responsibility or try to convince you to take an unfairly low settlement offer. In some situations, they may even attempt to get you to drop your suit.

Our Florida motorcycle accident attorneys work together as a team in a family-oriented environment. We take pride in being a client centric firm that stands up to insurance companies that try to shift blame.

What If You Received a Ticket?

The insurance company hopes you’ll never learn the truth about traffic tickets. They may even tell you not to bother calling a lawyer if you received a ticket. No matter what the insurance adjuster tells you, traffic tickets are not evidence of fault. A ticket is nothing more than an allegation, and it is inadmissible in court as evidence of fault. 

The police report may also state that you’re at fault for the accident, but the police report is only an opinion. It is not evidence of fault, and it cannot be used as evidence of fault in court.

We advise our clients to avoid talking to the insurance company, the driver, or anyone else after a motorcycle accident in Florida because these statements could be used against you in court. However, the statements you and the driver make to the police are privileged and can’t be used against either party in court.

It takes hard evidence to prove fault, and we’re prepared to gather all the evidence needed to prove you’re less than 51 percent at fault. Our evidence will hold up in court, and we can use it as leverage to negotiate the settlement you deserve.

What Damages Can I Recover for a Motorcycle Accident?  

You can ask for economic and non-economic damages in your motorcycle accident lawsuit. Economic damages include past and future medical expenses, rehabilitation, property damage, lost wages, and loss of future earnings.

Non-economic damages include pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of a family relationship or companionship. Putting a number on non-economic damages can be challenging, so you need an accomplished Florida motorcycle accident attorney to calculate your damages and plead your case.

On rare occasions, Florida also allows punitive damages to punish the defendant and deter others from acting similarly. Florida law reserves these damages for cases where a judge finds clear and convincing evidence of intentional misconduct or gross negligence on the defendant’s part.

In most cases, there is a cap on Florida punitive damages of three times your compensatory damages or $500,000, whichever is higher. If the defendant acted unreasonably dangerously and knew of the high likelihood of injury,  the cap increases to four times the amount of compensatory damages or $2 million, whichever is higher. 

Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries 

Motorcycle accidents are relatively common in Florida. In fact, Florida had the most motorcycle accident fatalities in the U.S. in 2021, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. What’s more unfortunate is that fatalities or injuries caused by motorcycle accidents are preventable. Many motorists don’t look out for motorcyclists, even though motorcyclists have just as much right to use the road as other drivers.

If a passenger vehicle strikes you, you are at the mercy of gravity and the objects and vehicles around you. Even if you are wearing a helmet and other safety gear, as the motorcyclist you are much more likely to suffer serious injuries such as:

Florida Motorcycle Accident Statistics 

According to the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Crash Facts Annual Report, there were 8,649 motorcycle crashes in Florida in 2021. Those crashes resulted in 621 fatalities, 1,991 incapacitating injuries, and 5,406 other injuries. Incapacitating injuries include those that disable drivers or passengers, such as broken bones or severed limbs, and usually require hospitalization.

A look at motorcycle crashes in Florida over time shows that fatalities have almost doubled over the last two decades. Only two percent of Florida crashes between 2016 and 2021 involved a motorcycle, but motorcycle crashes resulted in 17 percent of all traffic deaths in the same period.

Farah & Farah attorneys understand why motorcycle accidents are so dangerous and the effects they can have on you and your family. You can get through this, and our attorneys can help.

Farah & Farah Can Help You Get Relief 

At Farah & Farah, our personal injury lawyers in Florida have decades of experience helping people get the justice and compensation they deserve. Contact our firm for a free consultation with no obligation so that we can review the details of your case and give you an honest assessment of the best next steps.

We’ve been helping accident victims and their families in several practice areas since 1979, so we know how to navigate the Florida legal system and deal with insurance agencies. Experience makes all the difference. Put ours to work for you today by calling (877) 245-6707.

The Farah and Farah team

“I must say Farah & Farah are diligent in taking care of business! The team always provides answers, returns calls and follows through! They definitely put the client first!”

Jeff M.


You & Your Family Since 1979

Attorney Eddie and Chuck Farah head shots with a CTA icon